At-Home Exercise Yoga Bench Review

It felt like an extravagance when I finally bought myself the FeetUp Trainer, but my justification went something like this: when the world feels upside down, perhaps it’s wise to literally look at life from that perspective. The FeetUp Trainer, which is on the better-made end of yoga benches out there, helps you to more easily do inversions of all kinds without injury or discomfort. This allows you to enjoy the circulatory and mood benefits of headstands and upside down poses for much longer than you would be able to on your own.

FeetUp Trainer

After doing some research on the best yoga benches out there, I landed on the FeetUp Trainer for a few reasons. It’s made with high-quality vegan leather and wood, ethically manufactured, and also comes with a helpful two-sided poster of creative poses you can do on the bench. It also looked aesthetically pleasing, so I knew I wouldn’t mind leaving it out in order to remember to use it more frequently.

I like to exercise, but find I slack when it comes to a very necessary component of fitness and general wellbeing: stretching. Having this tool around makes the prospect more playful while I watch TV or listen to a podcast or even meditate upside down. If I don’t feel like inverting, this bench also helps make all kinds of stretches deeper, more supportive, and safer. I find it especially helps cushion the Half Pigeon pose, and makes arm balances more supportive.

If you are having trouble finding the fun in stretching or exercise, perhaps it’s time to give in to the topsy-turvy world we’re in right now and spend some time upside down. You might find you even get some good ideas there. (Some also claim inversions help your digestive system, though not too soon after a meal.) All in all, I’m glad I shelled out the $150 for this bench, and think it makes a great gift for yourself or a loved one who misses yoga class while in quarantine.

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