How to use clear command in Minecraft Bedrock

Commands can be extremely useful to Minecraft players. There are activities and endeavors within the game that can take so long to complete as well as items that can take a long time to craft and enchant (in the case of weapons and armor). Commands can make everything in the game simpler, and that can in turn make the gaming experience a lot better, especially for those who have completed the game multiple times.

The clear command clears items from players' inventories, including items being dragged by the player. This is a great way to get rid of unwanted items without having to find a lava pit or find a place to store them. Here's how to use it.

How to use the clear command for Minecraft Bedrock

In Bedrock Edition, as well as any form of Minecraft, commands are entered into the chat. The backslash key is the trigger for them and the command is then typed after and sent. In a multiplayer world, the other players will be able to see it.

Clear command is useful for removing unwanted items from inventory. Image via Minecraft

Additionally, the use of commands is not automatically active in every Minecraft world. This will disable achievements, but it can be turned on for any world. This can be done in world settings and it can be done before or after world generation.

For Bedrock Edition, the syntax for the clear command is "/clear [player] [itemName] [data] [maxCount]." The tags refer to the following:

  • player is optional but refers to the name of the player whose inventory needs to be cleared. If not specified, the player entering the command will have their inventory cleared.
  • itemName is also optional. It is the item to clear, but if no item name is entered, then all of the player's inventory will be cleared.
  • data is optional too. It is the data value applied to the item. It identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for that item, like wooden planks.
  • maxCount is optional as well. It refers to the maximum number of items cleared. If this is left out, all matching items will be cleared.

Players are advised to be very careful with this command so as to not clear their inventory by accident.

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