Top 5 builds using Calcite

Players are able to create many different amazing builds in Minecraft. With so many blocks to choose from, the choices players have to design their own unique worlds are truly endless.

One of the blocks players can choose from for their builds is Calcite. Calcite can help players have some really smooth and great-looking builds with its amazing texture. Here are the top 5 builds players can use Calcite for in-game.

5 builds players can use Calcite for in Minecraft

Players can find Calcite inside amethyst geodes. When inside a geode, they can discover Calcite tucked away between the layers of the amethyst blocks as well as the smooth basalt. In addition, players can find some Calcite inside stony peak biomes. When players locate Calcite in these locations, they will find it in strips that they can mine to gain the Calcite they need.

What is Calcite used for?

Calcite is a block that players can use for many different designs within the world of Minecraft. With so many different blocks to choose from, players may wonder why Calcite is the choice for them.

One of the many reasons is because it has such a nice color and texture that it can fit well in almost any build, including those using other stone blocks and wood materials, making it very versatile.

Farming Calcite

Players should know that in order to successfully get the Calcite blocks when they find it, they should use the pickaxe. It should be noted that players can utilize any pickaxe for mining the Calcite to get it to drop. However, if the player does not use the required tool, the Calcite, when broken, will drop nothing, and the player will have to walk away empty-handed.

1) Calcite Starter House

Calcite starter house (Image via YouTube)

For players who are going for a more modern look, this house created with Deepslate and Calcite makes for an extremely interesting build.

Using multiple materials to make the house have some depth as well as a beautiful design, the Calcite stands out to make the house "pop" with its vivid white color in direct contrast to the Deepslate that is included in this inspirational starter house.

2) Calcite Cottage

Another inspirational home design that players can create using Calcite, this one makes use of many different stone blocks, such as cobblestone as well to create a sort of contrast between them. This Calcite build utilizes a tower that will be able to give players an advantage in observing their surroundings, apart from looking great. This is an amazing house for any player and their survival build.

3) Amethyst Tower

For players looking for a more medieval-inspired design, this amethyst tower makes use of many of the blocks a player can find within an amethyst geode. Players will find a great contrast between the colors and materials used in this. The design leaves a lot of room for players' imaginations to run wild, and they can accent this amazing tower design with whatever they wish to make it truly unique.

4) Calcite Castle

Players of Minecraft can build an amazing looking castle using Calcite for a nice white look (Image via SmallishBeans/YouTube)

For players looking for a larger build that can use the Calcite block in Minecraft, a large castle can be a great way to showcase their building skills. Using the Calcite block with Diorite to accent it is a great way to make a castle that looks truly inspiring. Combining it with some hills and foliage and surrounding it with a moat can lead to some marvelous builds for any world.

5) Medieval Mansion

In the same vein as the Calcite castle, players can utilize Calcite to make many different medieval-inspired buildings, such as this amazing mansion. By making careful use of wood and a nice ratio of Calcite for accenting, players can make a build that would look great in any world and provide them with ample space for all of their needs for their needs adventures inside of Minecraft.

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