World Cup Qualifiers: Mexican woman faces 100 lashes and prison time after she was sexually assaulte

An economist and anthropologist faces a sentence of 100 lashes and up to seven years in prison, after she reported sexual abuse whilst working in Qatar.

Paola Schietekat was working as part of the organising committee of the 2022 World Cup when she claimed she was raped and threatened to be killed by a man.

Qatari authorities chose not to look into the complaint or protect Schietekat, instead accusing her of extramarital affairs and giving her this sentence.

The sentence did not materialise since Schietekat left Doha, but she cannot return to what she described as her dream job.

Lawyers of the Mexican offered a solution to Schietekat, which was to marry her alleged aggressor to avoid conviction. Schietekar chose not to take the offer and left the country, where charges against her are still valid.

A sentence could be announced on March 6, with the law stating she can face 100 lashes and up to seven years in prison.
